邱青煌 老師

Ching-Huang Chiu

邱青煌 老師




  1. Ching-Huang Chiu, Cha’o-Kuang Chen, “Application of Adomian’s Decomposition Procedure to the Analysis of Convective-Radiative Fins,” J. Heat Transfer Trans. ASME 125 (2003) pp.312-316. (SCI)
  2. C.H. Chiu, C.M. Wang, M.C. Chiou, “ Thermophoretic effects on submicron particle deposition in turbulent flow” ACTA Mechanica 170 (2004) pp.213-226. (SCI)
  3. C.H.Chiu, C.M.Wang and M.C.Chiou, “Turbulent thermophoresis effect on particle transport processes”, Int. J. Thermal Sciences 45, (2006) pp.475-486. (SCI)
  1. C.H.Chiu, C.M.Wang and M.C.Chiou, “Particle transport as a stochastic process of turbulent boundary layer flow, 1st Asian symposium on computational heat transfer and fluid flow , (2007) pp.ASCHT2007-126
  2. C.H. Chiu, J.H.Liou, M.C. Chiou, “Surface rejuvenation model for analysis of turbulent particle transports” 中國機械工程學會第二十四屆全國學術研討會(2007) pp.A10-0001
  3. Ching-huang chiu, Mao-Hsiung Chang, Yin-Kai Chen, Ming-Chi Chiou, “Particle transports in turbulence boundary layer flows” 中國機械工程學會第二十三屆全國學術研討會(2006) pp.A2-020.
  4. Ching-huang chiu, Yin-Kai Chen,Mao-Hsiung Chang, Ming-Chi Chiou, “Turbulence Particle transport as a stochastic process” 中國機械工程學會第二十三屆全國學術研討會(2006) pp.A2-032.
  5. Ching-huang chiu, Cheng-Jen Lin, “Transient Thermal Stresses Response of an Annular Fin with Periodic Heat Transfer Boundary Condition” , 第二十九屆全國力學會議 (2005) pp.A005.