邱明志 老師
Ming-Chi Chiou
邱明志 老師
研究室:综合工程二館4F(416) 電話:631-5458
- Ming-Chi Chiou, Random Eddy Model for Prediction of Thermophoresis Effects on Particle Deposition Processes, J. Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.17, No.3, pp.281-288(1996).
- M.C. Chiou, and J.W. Cleaver, Effect of Thermophoresis on Sub-Micron Particle Deposition from a Laminar Forced Convection Boundary Layer Flow onto an Isothermal Cylinder, J. Aerosol Sci., Vol.27, No.8, pp.1155-1167(1996), Corresponding author.
- M.C. Chiou, Effect of thermophoresis on submicron particle deposition from a forced laminar boundary layer flow onto an isothermal moving plate, ACTA MECHANICA, Vol.129/3-4, pp.219-229 (1998).
- M.C. Chiou, Particle deposition from natural convection boundary layer flow onto an isothermal vertical cylinder, ACTA MECHANICA, Vol.129/3-4, pp.163-176 (1998).
- M.C. Chiou, Theoretical Predictions and Experimental Measurements of Particle Deposition onto an Isothermal Vertical Cylinder, J. Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.19, No.3, pp.323-333 (1998).
- M.C. Chiou, Sub-micron particle deposition on an isothermal horizontal rod in a turbulent flow system, ACTA MECHANICA, Vol. 145, pp. 135-158 (2000).
- M.C. Chiou, Submicron particle deposition from laminar boundary layer flow onto an isothermal vertical solid plate, ACTA MECHANICA, Vol. 143, pp. 229-253 (2000).
- C.H.Chiu, C.M.Wang, M.C.Chiou, Thermophoretic effects on submicron particle deposition in turbulent flow, ACTA MECHANICA, Vol. 170, pp. 213-226 (2004), Corresponding author.
- C.H. Chiu, C.M. Wang, M.C. Chiou, Turbulent thermophoresis effect on particle transport processes, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 45, 475–486 (2006), Corresponding author.
- C. H. Chiu, M. C. Chiou , Surface rejuvenation model for analysis of turbulent particle transports, Accepted by J. Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, (2009), Corresponding author.
- C.H. Chiu, C.M. Wang and M.C. Chiou, Modified sublayer approach model for analysis of turbulent particle transports, Accepted by Applied Mathematical Modelling, (2010), Corresponding author.
- Ching-Huang, ChiuJian-Hong and Ming-Chiou Chiou ,Surface Rejuvenation Model for Analysis of Turbulent Particle Transports,中國機械工程學刊第三十卷第三期第239-248頁(2009).
- C.H.Chiu,H.S.Chen,M.C.Chiou,Modified sublayer approach model for analysis of turbulent particle transports,Applied Mathematical Modelling 34(2010) 159-173
- M.C.Chiou,C.H.Chiu,H.S.Chen, Formulation for predicting deposition velocity of particles in turbulence, International journal of Thermal Sciences 49(2010)290-301
- M.C.Chiou,C.H.Chiu,H.S.Chen,Modeling particle deposition from fully developed turbulent flow , Applied Mathematical Modelling 35(2011) 3238-3254
- M.C.Chiou,C.H.Chiu,H.S.Chen, Particle deposition with thermal and electrical effects in turbulent flows,International journal of Thermal Sciences 50(2011)1867-1877
- M.C.Chiou,C.H.Chiu,W.Z.Hsu,J.S.Li ,Combined effect of thermophoretic and Coulombic forces on particle deposition in a turbulent flow,International journal of Thermal Sciences 109(2016)424-442
- Ching-Huang Chiu, Ming-Chi Chiou, “可變熱傳導係數之散熱片受制週期性溫度變化時暫態熱傳分析,” 第二十六屆全國力學會議pp.A30, (2002).
- C. M. Wang, M. C. Chiou, Stochastic Model for Turbulent Thermophoresis Rate, 中國機械工程學會第二十一屆全國學術研討會論文集, (2004).
- Ching-Huang Chiu, Mao-Hsiung Chang, Yin-Kai Chen, Ming-Chi Chiou, Particle transports in turbulence boundary layer flows, 中國機械工程學會第二十三屆全國學術研討會論文集, 論文編號:A2-020, (2006).
- Ching-Huang Chiu, Yin-Kai Chen, Mao-Hsiung Chang, Ming-Chi Chiou, Turbulent particle transport as a stochastic process, 中國機械工程學會第二十三屆全國學術研討會論文集, 論文編號:A2-032, (2006).
- C. H. Chiu, J. H. Liou, M. C. Chiou, Surface rejuvenation model for analysis of turbulent particle transports, 中國機械工程學會第二十四屆全國學術研討會論文集(2007).
- C. H. Chiu, C. M. Wang, M. C. Chiou, Particle transport as a stochastic process of turbulent boundary layer flow, 1st Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, October 18-21, 2007.
- Ming-Chi Chiou, Cheng-Yuan Wu, Stochastic deposition velocity of turbulent particles, The 15th National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, (2008).
- Ching-Huang Chiu, Jung-Huan Chang and Ming-chi Chiou, EFFECT OF FLOW RATES ON MEASURED SUB-MICRON PARTICLE DEPOSITION FROM LAMINAR FORCED CONVECTION FLOW ONTO AN ISOTHERMAL CYLINDER, International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation, (2009).
- M.C. Chiou, Y.S. Jhuang and C. H. Chiu, EFFECT OF MAINSTREAM FLOW RATES ON MEASURED CONCENTRATION OF TURBULENT PARTICLE DEPOSITION, International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation, (2009).
- Ming-Chi chiou , Ching-Huang Chiu and Wen-Zong Hsu, Deposition Velocity of Particles in Turbulence, 中國機械工程學會第二十六屆全國學術研討會論文集(2009)
- Ching-Huang Chiu,Cheng-Yang Wu , Ming-Chi Chiou,Concentration distribution of particles in isothermal turbulence, 中國機械工程學會第二十六屆全國學術研討會論文集(2009)
- M.C.chiou,Combined effect of thermophoretic and coulombic forces on turbulent particle deposition,中國機械工程學會第三十屆全國學術研討會論文集(2013)
- 卓慶章, 邱明志, 邱青煌, 在填滿奈米流體的交替橢圓形截面管道內強制對流熱傳加強之研究,,中國機械工程學會第三十三屆全國學術研討會論文集(2016)
- 卓慶章, 林彥廷, 邱青煌,邱明志,在填滿奈米流體的蓋板驅動之波形空腔內幾何參數對熵增量之影響,中華民國力學學會第四十一屆全國力學會議(2017)
- 擾流流動中熱滲透對微粒子沉澱的效應。(主持人;83/02/01~84/07/31;NSC83-0413-E-150-002)
- 衝動式蒸汽渦輪機熱和級分析。(主持人;84/08/01~85/07/31;NSC85-2212-E-150-010)
- 局部非相似解模式用於自然對流流動場中微粒子沉澱至垂直圓柱的分析。(主持人;85/08/01~86/07/31;NSC86-2212-E-150-011)
- 微粒子沉澱至移動邊界層的現象分析。(主持人;86/08/01~87/07/31;NSC87-2212-E-150-017)
- 探討微粒子在二維邊界層的現象。(主持人;88/08/01~89/07/31;NSC89-2212-E-150-015)
- 擾流流動系統中微粒子沉澱至等溫圓柱。(主持人;89/08/01~90/07/31;NSC89-2212-E-150-046)
- 探討微粒子在強迫對流與自然對流流動場中沉澱至一非等溫面的現象。(主持人;90/08/01~91/07/31;NSC90-2212-E-150-017)
- 能源科技學程科技能力培養研究。(共同主持人;90/08/01~93/07/31;NSC 90-2511-S-150-006)
- Adomian’s分解法分析微粒子在擾流流動之傳遞。(主持人;91/08/01~92/07/31;NSC-91-2212-E-150-040)
- 隨機渦流模式模擬熱滲透在低Reynolds number 擾流邊界層中對微粒子沉澱過程的影響。(主持人;92/08/01~93/07/31;NSC92-2212-E-150-018)。
- Surface rejuvenation的數學模式估算擾流流動熱滲透速度。(主持人;93/08/01~94/07/31; NSC93-2212-E-150-017)。
- 隨機式的估算微粒子於擾流流動場的沉澱速度。(主持人;94/08/01~95/07/31; NSC94-2212-E-150-044)。
- 柴油引擎排氣系統在Thermophoretic與 Turbophoresis影響之懸浮微粒沉澱效率分析(主持人;101/08/01~102/07/31;NSC 101-2221-E-150-051-)。
- 柴油引擎微碳粒截取器之研製及其效率分析(主持人;102/08/01~103/07/31;NSC 102-2221-E-150-050-)。